Object Marriage
2017-2018Performance / Exhibition
This project is one of four object series conducted by Celine Park, incorporating insights gained through research and interviews on object semiotics. The undertaking culminated in a 20-minute performance exhibited at the V&A Museum in London, alongside "The Object Right" in 2018. The project was designed based on the scenario, "What criteria would emerge if the societal rules of marriage rituals with objects were strictly adhered to?" Object semioticians typically wear wedding rings or don wedding dresses or tuxedos during marriage ceremonies, much like Western weddings. Additionally, they engage in a form of infidelity with other objects even after marriage and may marry different objects after a divorce. Erica Eiffel, one of the most famous object semioticians who married the Eiffel Tower in 2007, maintained a long-distance relationship with the monument after proposing but remarried a different object after divorcing in 2017. The cultural practices of object semioticians, where one object can be married by multiple individuals, are considered analogous to human marriage ceremonies and relationships, connecting them to various contemporary issues surrounding marriage. Furthermore, a dystopian society requiring strict qualifications for object semioticians to marry objects was designed for the project. Celine managed the production of necessary machinery, scenarios, costumes, and set planning, collaborating with various artists, choreographers, sound designers, and Imperial College science professors to bring the project to fruition.
이 프로젝트는 셀린박이 사물 기호증에 대해 연구 및 인터뷰를 통해 얻은 인사이트를 포함해 진행한 총 4가지의 오브제 시리즈 중 하나이다. 이 작업은 The Object Right과 함께 영국 런던의 V&A 뮤지엄에서 2018년 전시했던 20분 길이의 공연이다.
이 프로젝트는 '만약… 오브제와의 결혼의식의 사회적 규칙을 더 엄격하게 준수한다면 어떤 기준이 생길 것인가?' 라는 시나리오를 기반으로 디자인했다. 사물기호증자들은 주로 결혼 의식을 할 때 웨스턴 결혼식처럼 결혼반지를 끼거나, 웨딩드레스 혹은 턱시도를 착용한다. 또한, 그들은 결혼 후에도 다른 사물과 일종의 외도를 하고, 이혼 후 다른 사물과 결혼하기도 한다. 사물 기호증자 중 가장 유명한 에리카 에펠(2007년에 에펠탑과 결혼했다)은 에펠탑에게 프러포즈를 받아 결혼식을 올린 뒤로 장거리 관계를 유지했지만 2017년 이혼한 뒤 다른 사물과 재혼했다. 그 과정 한 사물을 여러 사람이 결혼하기도 하는 그들의 문화가 사람과 사람 관의 결혼식 혹은 부부 관계와 닮아있다고 여겨, 사회에서 현재 가장 화두 되고 있는 결혼과 관련된 다양한 이슈와 연결지어 시나리오를 제작했다. 또한, 사물기호증자가 사물과 결혼하기 위해서 엄격한 자격을 요하는 디스토피아적인 사회를 디자인했다. 그에 필요한 기계와 시나리오 제작, 코스튬, 세트 기획 등 셀린이 진행했고, 안무가, 사운드 디자이너 등 다양한 예술가들과 임페리얼 칼리지의 과학 교수들이 함께 콜라보하여 진행했다.
Costume Design: Celine Park
Costume tailoring: Line Mode Seoul, Miji Min, Margueritte Tailor at RCA
Object Design: Céline Park Collaboration: Choreographer: Winona Eguy
Scientist: Cleo Kontoravdi
Composer Sang Dae Hoon
Object Design Céline Park
Object Fabrication Céline Park, RCA workshop members, Sorin Choi, Sijong Kim
Photography: Scarlett Casciello Rogers, Sijong Kim
Special Thanks to Jin Ahn
V&A Museum, London UK 2018
Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, France 2019
Celine Park Gallery, Seoul, South Korea 2022

Costume Sketches
Costume Sketches
Object Design
Object Design
Object Design Sketches
Object Design Sketches
V&A first visit
V&A first visit
The location where the performance was placed
V&A The location where the performance was placed
The location for my talk and my film screening
V&AThe location for my talk and my film screening
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Machine Design
Machine Design
Machine Design
Machine Design
Explanations of the performance
Explanations of the performance
First group visit to V&A
First group visit to V&A
Costume Fitting
Costume Fitting
Costume fixing
Costume fixing
Costume fixing
Costume fixing
Costume finalising
Costume finalising
Costume finalising
Costume finalising
Costume finalising
Costume finalising
Performance practice
Performance practice in the secret room at the V&A
Performance practice Performance practice in the secret room at the V&A
Performance practice
Performance practice in the secret room at the V&A
Performance practicePerformance practice in the secret room at the V&A
Performance practice
Performance practice in the secret room at the V&A
Performance practicePerformance practice in the secret room at the V&A
Performance idea
Performance idea
Performance practice
Performance practice
Performance practice
Performance practice
Performance practice
Performance practice
Performance practice
Performance practice
Performance match
Performance match
Performance set
Performance set

Céline has organized a performance, 'Object Marriage' for V&A's 'Future Dates'.

'The Object Marriage' performance by Céline Minkyung Park at the V&A
Céline has given a 20 minute talk about her projects, 'Object Right' and 'Object Marriage' at the V&A museum
Talk by Céline Minkyung Park at the V&A about the Object Marriage